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Sunday Papers

Sep 27, 2020

This week: all the biggest headlines: Refurbished Vietnamese condoms and new 9-11 conspiracy theories.

Sep 20, 2020

New Sunday Papers. Van Morrison won’t be on The Masked Singer, Joe Rogan runs Presidential debate and RIP RBG. 

Sep 17, 2020

The eighth and maybe final Thursday Papers. Listener emails, This Day in History and an alcoholic's letter to Dear Abby that reminds Greg he’s going to start drinking again.

Sep 13, 2020

Fires rage in the west and an insane man fathers 36 children with sperm donations. Family Circus literally makes no sense this week.

Sep 10, 2020

More listener corrections and "this day in history." Who wants to run a factory? Jelly Belly Jelly Beans is pulling a Willy Wonka. Plus, Mike gives an update on Sturgis.