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Sunday Papers

Apr 24, 2022

Mike takes a COVID TEST on the air, we reveal the results (it’s not good) and we discuss sex with a lizard. A Tyson takes out a Karen, a weed truck overturns on 4/20 and an entire wedding gets dosed by the bride. 

Follow Mike Gibbons on IG @GibbonsTime

Apr 17, 2022

Mike gets an aggressive TSA pat-down on his way to a Wheeler Walker Jr show in Nashville. Ted Cruz will not felate a man to end world hunger, Cuba Gooding and Gary Coleman and a 28 year old girl dating Al Pacino are this week’s pervs and AC/DC helps in the operating room.

Apr 10, 2022

We comment on Matt Gaetz commenting on Marjorie Taylor Green commenting on Jimmy Kimmel wanting Will Smith to smack her. Greg reports on doing Joe Rogans show this week and hanging at the Comedy Store 50th anniversary party. Author of How to Murder Your Husband charged with murdering husband, a dead rapper is stuffed...

Apr 3, 2022

We better hope Will Smith does not listen to this podcast. Or Caitlyn Jenner or anybody that’s had an abortion. For the rest of you there are some great stories about a man burying a school bus full of children (they lived!) Alec Baldwin and a Brazilian singer who was rushed to the hospital because she held in her farts.