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Sunday Papers

Jan 31, 2021

Mike is livid about the GameStop stock scandal. Greg’s not happy about Polish abortions. Both are a little disappointed in this week's Family Circus.

Follow Mike Gibbons on Twitter @GibbonsTime

Jan 24, 2021

While other news sources focus on the Inauguration, Sunday Papers takes a hard look at UGGS for dogs, a happy ending for a wife in Turks and Caicos and Lil Wayne’s pardon from Trump.

Jan 17, 2021

Big political week? Not on Sunday Papers! We give you a rest and focus on missing Bitcoins, penis cages and what a single mother of 3 can expect to make posting nude pix on the internet.

Jan 10, 2021

Slow news week but we manage to drum up some stories about Sylvester Stallone’s mom, a Danish kids show featuring a giant penis and, oh yeah, the attempted overthrow of the government.

Jan 3, 2021

The Annual predictions are made and we see how Greg & Mike did with last year’s picks. Did country star Tyler Rich kill a man while jogging? Or was it Wheeler Walker Jr?  
Follow Mike Gibbons on Twitter @GibbonsTime